Customer Testimonials

"Thank-you for all your help in finding the right buyer quickly for my apartment. The process was so smooth. You were very professional and I hope we can work on something else together." 
- Leslie Himmel, Real Estate Owner and Seller of 125 E 72nd St/7A


"I think you did an excellent job."
- Morton Pierce, Vice Chairman of Dewey LeBoeuf, Buyer of 125 E 72nd St/7A, Seller of 188 E 76th St/8A

"This apartment purchase is one of the best decisions I've made in my life. You really worked hard on all details of the transaction for me. I appreciate it."
- Roberta Derene, Buyer of 47 E 87th St/6E


"I'm so happy in the apartment your team found me. Great price. Great location."
- Liz Peaslee, Financial Advisor and Renter at Trump Plaza.


"Thank-you and your partner for all your help in finding the perfect townhouse for our Counsel General in the east 40's. She is extremely happy and loved working with your partner." 
- Administrative Assistant to a Foreign Counsel General.


"My wife and I are really happy you and Dennis found us another great rental property on the Upper East Side. Thanks for showing us that Carnegie Hill was such a good place to invest."
- Ecuadorian Investor in New York Properties.
Real Estate